The partner app main page is divided into various UI components. I'll list them here as they appear from top to bottom on the main partner landing page (the page you see by default after successfully logging into the partner app):
Once logged in, the navigation bar contains 6 buttons (1 of them is a dropdown). From left to right, they are:
If logged in, this button will take you to the main partner app page (the page that you first see when you log in).
This button takes you to a page that displays three panels.
This button takes you to a page that displays all invitations you've ever sent/received. If you know you've sent/received an invitation, but you don't see it on this page, please report it to your TA.
This button takes you to a page in which you can add information about yourself to your profile. Other students will be able to see this information on the Browse Partners page.
This button takes you to the Browse Partners page. Here, you can see the profiles of and send invitations to all students who don't have partners for the current assignment (if there is more than one active assignment, the current assignment is the one with the later due date).
If you're reading this, you already know where the help button takes you!
The logout button logs you out of the partner app. Note: Logging our of the partner app will also log you out of other Google services that you're logged into.
The notification area is the white space directly below the nav bar (where you see the "Hello, [student]" greeting). Whenever something needs your attention, you'll see a notification banner under the greeting. These banners will call your attention to things like partner invitations you've received, an unused student profile, and any cancelled partnerships you were involved in.
The assignments panel contains a table per assignment that gives the status of each and every assignments as well as provides actions you can take such as selecting a partner for a particular assignment or evaluating a partner. Inactive assignments are grayed out whereas active assignments are not.
The first row will either tell you when partner selections open, prompt you to select a partner, or show your already selected partner.
The second row will either tell you when partner evaluations open, prompt you to evaluate your partner, or tell you you have already evaluated your partner
This table shows information about assingments that have open partner selection periods. This table shows you--from left to right--the assignment's number, the date/time when you need to have a partner for this assingment, the date/time when partner evaluations open for this assignment, and whether or not you have a partner for this assignment. If you thought you or your partner confirmed an invitation for an assignment, but this table shows that you don't have a partner, please contact your TA.
This table shows information about assingments that have open partner evalution periods. This table shows you--from left to right--the assignment's number, the date/time when partner evaluations are due, and whether you've submitted an evalution for this assignment. Partner evaluations cannot be reopened for students who miss deadlines, so please make sure you submit your evaluations in a timely manner.
The invitation panel contains two tables that give you information about the open invitations that you've send/received. Note: your invitations (send and received) are deactivated (closed) when you enter into a partnership. From left to right:
This table contains information about open invitations that you've sent to others.
This table contains information about open invitations that you've received from others.
You'll only be able to see this panel if there is an assignment with and active partner selection period for which you have cancelled partnerships. A partnership can only be cancelled if you/your partner enters into a partnership (for the same assignment) with another student or if you both cancel a partnership via the Partnerships/Evals partner history table. Please contact your TA if you have unexpected cancelled partnerships.